Geomorphology MCQS PART 1 on Origin of Earth and Geological Time Scale

Geomorphology MCQS from the chapter Origin of the Earth and Geological Time Scale, here you will get 25 questions and these are very basic and important mcqs for Net Set exams. 


Origin of the Earth and Geological Time Scale MCQ Part 1

Q. 1. The congregation of stars and planets is known as

(a) Universe

(b) Solar system

(c) Galaxy

(d) Space

Answer: b


Q. 2. The diameter of the whole solar system is about

(a) 1,173 crore kilometres

(b) 1175 crore kilometres

(c) 1,177 crore kilometres

(d) 1,179 crore kilometres

Answer: a


Q. 3. Who said that “give me matter and I will build a world out of it”?

(a) Laplace

(b) Kant

(c) T. C. Chamberlin

(d) James Jeans

Answer: b


Q. 4. Who used the term ‘concentric rings’ in his hypothesis?

(a) Hoyle

(b) Chamberlin

(c) Laplace

(d) Kant

Answer: d


Q. 5. Which hypothesis is based on ‘dualistic concept’?

(a) Tidal hypothesis

(b) Gaseous hypothesis

(c) Nebular hypothesis

(d) None of the above

Answer: a


Q. 6. Who propounded the “gaseous hypothesis” in the context of the origin of the earth?

(a) Laplace

(b) Roche

(c) Kant

(d) Lockyer

Answer: c


Q. 7. According to which hypothesis of the origin of the earth was based on the sound principles of Newton’s laws of gravitation and rotatory motion?

(a) Nebular hypothesis

(b) Gaseous hypothesis

(c) Planetesimal hypothesis

(d) Supernova hypothesis

Answer: b


Q. 8. Who gave the term ‘Primordial Matter’ in his hypothesis?

(a) Kant

(b) Laplace

(c) James Jeans

(d) F. Hoyle 

Answer: a



Q. 9. Which was the first scientific attempt for the explanation of the origin of the earth?

(a) Nebular hypothesis

(b) Planetesimal hypothesis

(c) Tidal hypothesis

(d) Gascous hypothesis

Answer: d


Q. 10. Exposition of the World System’ was written by

(a) Laplace

(b) Kant

(c) T. C. Chamberlin

(d) James Jeans

Answer: a


Q. 11. Who propounded the ‘Nebular hypothesis’ in the year 1796?

(a) Kant

(b) Roche

(c) Laplace

 (d) Lockyer

Answer: c


Q. 12. What is ‘Nebula’?

(a) Group of stars

(b) A huge and hot gaseous mass

(c) Mixture of dust and soil particles

(d) None of the above

Answer: b


Q. 13. The significance of the ‘Nebular hypothesis is that

(a) It described the constitution of the earth

(b) It was based on mathematical formulation

(c) It is able to explain the peculiar distribution of the present day. angular momentum in our solar system

(d) All of the above

Answer: a


Q. 14. ‘Planetesimal hypothesis’ is propounded jointly by

(a) Hoyle and lyttleton

(b) Jeans and Jeffrey

(c) Chamberlin and Moulton

(d) Alfven and Drobysheviski

Answer: c


Q. 15. Who has attempted to describe and explain the evolution of different components of the earth e.g. continents and ocean basins, folds and faults, volcanoes and earthquakes etc. and the origin and evolution of its atmosphere through specific periods or stages?

(a) Chamberlin

(b) James Jeans

(c) Hoyle

(d) Otto Schimidt

Answer: a



Q. 16. Who had propounded the “Tidal hypothesis” to explain the origin of the earth in the year 1919?

(a) Hoyle

(b) Otto Schimidt

(c) Chamberlin

(d) James Jeans

Answer: d


Q. 17. The word ‘Filament’ was used in

(a) Planetesimal hypothesis

(b) Tidal hypothesis

(c) Supernova hypothesis

(d) Inter-stellar dust hypothesis

Answer: b


Q. 18. ‘Filament’ is a

(a) of cigar

(b) Giant cigar-shaped tide of thousands of kilometres in length

(c) Intruding star

(d) Primordial matter

Answer: b


Q. 19. According to which hypothesis, the solar system was formed from the sun and another intruding star

(a) Tidal hypothesis

(b) Inter-stellar dust hypothesis

(c) Supernova hypothesis

(d) Big-Bang hypothesis

Answer: a



Q. 20. Which hypothesis has not only explained the origin of the solar system and the earth but has also attempted successfully, to some extent, to solve various problems of the solar system related to its shape, size, structure and peculiar motion?

(a) Planeteismal hypothesis

(b) Supernova hypothesis

(c) Nebular hypothesis

(d) Tidal hypothesis

Answer: d


Q. 21. Who propounded the ‘Binary star hypothesis’?

(a) Russell

(b) Otto Schimidt

(c) Hoyle

(d) E. M. Drobysheviski

Answer: a


Q. 22. ‘Supernova hypothesis’ is propounded by

(a) Otto Schimidt

(b) Russell

(c) Hoyle

 (d) Alfven

Answer: c


Q. 23. Which hypothesis was based on the principles of ‘Nuclear Physics’?

(a) Inter-stellar dust hypothesis

(b) Supernova hypothesis

(c) Binary star hypothesis

(d) Cepheid hypothesis

Answer: b


Q. 24. Who proposed the ‘inter-stellar dust hypothesis’?

(a) Otto Schimidt

(b) Hoyle

(c) Alfven

(d) Russell

Answer: a


Q. 25. Which hypothesis solves almost all of the problems of the peculiar characteristic features of our solar system like  (i) near circular and similar planes of orbits of the planets  (ii) placement of planets according to their size (iii) high density planets in the outer circle of the solar system  (iv) large and peculiar distribution of angular momentum among the planets of solar system etc.?

(a) Supernova hypothesis

(b) Binary star hypothesis

(c) Inter-stellar dust hypothesis

(d) Tidal hypothesis

Answer: c









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