Climatology 125 Important MCQS Part 5 FOR NTA UGC NET
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- Which is the suitable layer for flying of Jet airplanes?
(A) Stratosphere
(B) Mesosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) Thermosphere
Answer: A
It extends up to a height of 50 km. This layer is almost free from clouds and associated weather phenomenon, making conditions most ideal for flying aeroplanes.
- A line connecting all points of highest mean annual temperature at each longitude around the globe is called
(A) Thermal Anomaly
(B) Thermal Equator
(C) Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
(D) Continentality
Answer: B
The thermal equator (also known as “the heat equator”) is a belt encircling the Earth, defined by the set of locations having the highest mean annual temperature at each longitude around the globe.
- The Atlantic subtropical high pressure cell is called
(A) Azores Low
(B) Azores High
(C) Westerly
(D) Hadley cell
Answer: B
The Azores High also known as North Atlantic (Subtropical) High/Anticyclone or the Bermuda-Azores High, is a large subtropical semi-permanent centre of high atmospheric pressure typically found south of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean, at the Horse latitudes.
- Which of the following is the most striking feature of the monsoon climate?
(A) Variability of temperature
(B) Variability of precipitation
(C) Variability of pressure
(D) Variability of natural vegetation
Answer: B
- Which of the following climate is considered as the resort climate of the world?
(a) Subtropical humid climate
(b) Temperate oceanic climate
(c) Humid continental, hot summer climate
(d) Mediterranean climate
Answer: D
- Select your answer from the codes given below
Assertion (A) Ozone layer protects the earth from excessive quantities of severely changing solar radiation
Reason (R): Ozone hole has been discovered over the continents of Antarctic
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) explains (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) does not explain (A).
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(D) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.
Answer: D
- ‘Green House Effect’ means
(A) Pollution in house in tropic regions
(B) Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric oxygen
(C) Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon-di-oxide
(D) Cultivation in green houses so as to check pollution
Answer: C
- Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code
given below:
List-I | List-II |
A. Harmattan | 1. Argentina |
B. Haboob | 2. Adriatic Coast |
C. Bora | 3. West Africa |
D. Zonda | 4. Sudan |
A | B | C | D | |
A. | 1 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
B. | 1 | 4 | 2 | 3 |
C. | 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 |
D. | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
Answer: D
Harmattan is a season in West Africa, which occurs between the end of November and the middle of March. It is characterized by the dry and dusty northeasterly trade wind, of the same name, which blows from the Sahara Desert over West Africa into the Gulf of Guinea.
Haboob, strong wind that occurs primarily along the southern edges of the Sahara in Sudan and is associated with large sandstorms and dust storms and may be accompanied by thunderstorms. It usually lasts about three hours, is most common during the summer, and may blow from any direction
Bora, originally defined as a very strong cold wind that blows from the northeast onto the Adriatic region of Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. It is most common in winter and occurs when cold air crosses the mountains from the east and descends to the coast; thus, it is commonly classified as a gravity (or katabatic) wind.
Zonda, also called sondo, winter foehn (that is, a warm dry wind blowing down the side of a mountain) in Argentina, where it blows from the west across the Andes Mountains.
The name zonda in Argentina also refers to a hot humid wind that blows from the north over the plains and precedes a low-pressure centre.
- The Central Asia of Tarim Basin experiences strong heat wave causing discomfort during early spring. The wind popularly known as
(A) Katabatic
(B) Anabatic
(C) Karaburan
(D) Fohn
Answer: C
- The direction of rotation of the earth on its axis is from
(A) North to South
(B) South to North
(C) East to West
(D) West to East
Answer: D
- What causes the change of seasons?
(A) Earth rotation and revolution
(B) Earth revolution
(C) Earth revolution and inclination of its axis
(D) Earth rotation and inclination of its axis
Answer: C
- Seasons change because of the tilt of the Earth and the planet’s movement around the Sun.
- Earth’s axis is not vertical. It’s actually tilted at an angle of 23.5°
- Throughout the year different parts of Earth receive the Sun’s most direct rays.
- When the North Pole tilts toward the Sun. it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere
- When the South Pole tilts toward the Sun it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Match List-I with List-II and use the code give below
(Features) |
(Dates) |
A. Vernal Equinox | 1. December, 22 |
B. Summer Solstice | 2. September, 23 |
C. Winter Solstice | 3. March, 21 |
D. Autumnal Equinox | 4. June, 22 |
A | B | C | D | |
A. | 2 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
B. | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
C. | 3 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
D. | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
Answer: D
- The chronometer is used for
(A) Measuring Distance
(B) Measuring Rock ages
(C) Keeping Correct Time
(D) Measuring Earthquakes
Answer: C
- Which of these things is not thought to be caused by global climate change?
(A) Rising ocean levels
(B) Record temperatures
(C) Droughts
(D) Earthquakes
Answer: D
- Match List-I with List-II and use the code give below
(Koppen’s Symbol) |
(Region) |
A. Amw | 1. Thar Desert of Rajasthan |
B. Bwhw | 2. Western Coast of South India |
C. Cwg | 3. Humid Region of Rajasthan and Punjab |
D. Bshw | 4. North Indian Plains |
A | B | C | D | |
A. | 2 | 1 | 4 | 3 |
B. | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
C. | 1 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
D. | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
Answer: A
Amw- Monsoon type with short dry season
Bwhw – The region has arid-hot desert climate with very scanty rainfal
Cwg – Monsoon type with dry winters (Cwg)
Bshw – This climatic region is semi-arid, where winters are dry and even in summers there is no sufficient amount of rainfall.
Koppen’s Climatic Classification:
A- Tropical Humid Climate (No winter, warm & moist condition throughout the year & temperature 18°C)
B- Dry Climate (high evaporation & low amount of rainfall & water deficit throughout the year.)
C- Humid Mesothermal/Middle Latitudes warm temperate climates (Mild Winters, average temperature of the coldest & warmest month between 8° & 18° C)
D- Humid Microthermal/Severe winter/ Cold Snowy Forest Climate (Severe winter, average temp of coldest & warmest month between -3° & 10° C
E- Polar Climates- (Summer less season, average temp of warmest month below 10° C
f- Precipitation throughout the year (Average temperature of the coldest month being more than 18° C minimum precipitation of 6 cm)
m- Monsoon Climate (Short dry season, average precipitation in driest month less than 6cm)
w-winter dry season
s- well defined summer dry season.
- Monsoon type with short dry season (Amw)
- Monsoon type with dry season in summers (As)
- Tropical savannah type (Aw)
- Semi-arid steppe climate (Bshw)
- Hot desert type (Bwhw)
- Monsoon type with dry winters (Cwg)
- Cold-humid winter type with short summers (Dfc)
- Polar type (E)
- Mediterranean climate is represented by
(a) Do
(b) Cs
(c) Cf
(d) Am
Answer: B
- A band of wind called “Jet stream” is found in:
(A) Lower Troposphere
(B) Middle troposphere
(C) Upper troposphere
(D) Whole troposphere
Answer: C
Jet streams are fast flowing, narrow, meandering air currents in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth. On Earth, the main jet streams are located near the altitude of the tropopause and are westerly winds (flowing west to east). Their paths typically have a meandering shape.
- Which of the following climate is represented by Bwh ?
(A) China type climate
(B) Middle-latitude steppe climate
(C) Sahara type climate
(D) Middle latitude desert climate
Answer: C
- Identify the correct sequence of the given processes regarding rainfall
(A) Unsaturated air, condensation, dew point, precipitation
(B) Dew point, condensation, unsaturated air, precipitation
(C) Unsaturated air, dew point, condensation, precipitation
(D) Dew point, precipitation condensation, unsaturated air
Answer: C
Unsaturated air has less than 100% relative humidity; i.e. its actual temperature is higher than its dew point. The dew point (dew point temperature or dew point) is the temperature at which dew forms and is a measure of atmospheric moisture. It is the temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure and water content to reach saturation. Condensation is the change of water from its gaseous form (water vapour) into liquid water. Condensation generally occurs in the atmosphere when warm air rises, cools and loses its capacity to hold water vapour. As a result, excess water vapour condenses to form cloud droplets. In meteorology, precipitation is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapour that falls under gravity. The main forms of precipitation include drizzle, rain, sleet, snow, graupel and hail.
- The Polar Front Theory is about the origin of
(A) Tropical Cyclone
(B) Temperate Cyclone
(C) Tornadoes
(D) Thunderstorm
Answer: B
The origin and development temperate cyclone is best explained by the Norwegian model. It is very popularly known as polar front theory. According to this theory, the warm-humid air masses from the tropics meet the dry-cold air masses from the poles and thus a polar front is formed.
- The cloud instability theory or Ice crystal theory was propounded by
(A) Vladimir Koppen
(B) V. Bjerkness
(C) E. Galton
(D) Bergeron
Answer: D
The cloud instability theory or Ice crystal theory was propounded by Bergeron in 1933.
- Match List-I with List-ll and select the correct answer from the codes given below
(Surface Condition) |
(Precipitation Efficiency (P-E) Index) |
A. Rainforest | 1. <16 |
B. Forest | 2. 64-127 |
C. Grassland | 3. 16-31 |
D. Steppe | 4 32-63 |
E. Desert | 5. 127 |
A | B | C | D | E | |
A. | 3 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 1 |
B. | 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
C. | 5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
D. | 1 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 5 |
Answer: C
- The energy radiating from the earth surface in form of
(A) Short Waves
(B) Long Waves
(C) Medium Waves
(D) Micro Waves
Answer: B
- Which one of the following is the correct sequence of surface components of pressure and wind from the equator to the poles?
(A) Polar easterlies, Westerlies, Subtropical highs, Trade winds
(B) Subtropical highs, Westerlies, Trade winds, Polar easterlies
(C) Trade winds, Polar easterlies, Westerlies, Subtropical highs
(D) Trade winds, Subtropical highs, Westerlies, Polar easterlies
Answer: D
- Which one of the following is not a factor to affect the atmospheric pressure?
(A) Altitude
(B) Presence of water vapour
(C) Temperature
(D) Rainfall
Answer: D