Homer Contribution to Geography
[1] Homer: (750BC – 700 BC)
Homer was a great poet who published the Iliad and Odyssey. These long epic poems describe the episodes of Trojan War (1280-1180 BC). These epics contain numerous geographical information about the then world. He believed the Earth to be of circular form, surrounded on all the sides by Ocean River. The sky (vault of heaven), he conceived as a solid concave surface, equal in extent to the Earth, resting on tall pillars. These pillars are in the charge of Atlas. According to him, the Sun rose out of the Ocean Stream, and again sank into the same at its setting. The stars also follow the same course and bathe everyday in the waters of the ocean. He described the four winds as follows:
Bores (north wind) – cool wind with clear skies;
Eurus (east wind) — warm and gentle;
Notus (south wind) – an indication of advancing storm; and
Zephyrus (west wind) – dreaded, balmy with gale force.
He, however, was not familiar with the terms Europe and Asia.
Key Points on Homer:
[i] Homer was a great poet
[ii] His work ‘Illiad’ & ‘Odessey’ (Describes Trojan War)
[iii] He describes four winds: [a] Bores (north wind), [b] Eurus (east wind), [c] Notus (south wind), [d] Zephyrus (west wind)
N.B- Notes will be updated time to time
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PDF Name: Homer Contribution Notes by Netset Corner
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