Theories & Models 100 PYQS MOCK TEST 2 FOR NTA UGC NET

Theories & Models 100 PYQS MOCK TEST 2 FOR NTA UGC NET

Theories & Models 100 PYQS Mock Test 2 NTA UGC NET, Theories & Models 100 PYQS ,Theories & Models 100 PYQS  Mock Test 2,Theories & Models 100 PYQS MOCK TEST, Theories & Models 100 PYQS GEOGRAPHY, Theories & Models 100 PYQS MCQS Mock Test 2, GEOGRAPHY PYQS UGC NET, NTA UGC NET GEOGRAPHY PAPER WISE PYQS, PYQS FOR UGC NET GEOGRAPHY,

Theories & Models 100 PYQS Mock Test for NTA UGC NET & States SET/SLET Exam, This is the Part 2 of this series.

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  • This Test Contains 11 Questions
  • Total Questions is 100
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1 / 11

Q.21. In D.M Smith’s theoretical model of the spatial margins to profitability, if cost is constant, the space-revenue curve would be

  1. V-shaped
  2. A-shaped
  3. S-shaped
  4. Rectangular

2 / 11

Q.22. D. Whittlessey divided the whole world into how many types of agrilcultural region?

  1. 12
  2. 13
  3. 115
  4. 18

3 / 11

Q.23. Which one of the following is the basis of Thornthwaite’s classification of climates?

  1. Precipitaion effectiveness and thermal effciency
  2. World distribution of natural vegetation
  3. Distribution of land and waterbodies
  4. Movement of air masses

4 / 11

Q.24. Which one the following statements is true for Sadler’s theory of population growth?

  1. Increase in human population and food supply are inversely related
  2. Human population increases in geometrical progression while food supply increases in arithmetic progression
  3. Sadler’s theory of population growth belongs to the economic theories of population growth
  4. Human fertility varies inversely with population density

5 / 11

Q.25. Who among the following proposed the core-periphery model of economic development?

  1. Rostow
  2. Friedman
  3. Myrdal
  4. Harschman

6 / 11

Q.26. According to A. Pred, the location of an industry is closely associated with which among the following approaches?

  1. Least cost approach
  2. Profit maximising approach
  3. Ecological approach
  4. Behavioural approach

7 / 11

Q.27. City I has population of 2,00,000 and city II has population of 6,00,000. They are 50 miles apart. Which of the following will be breaking point (BP) boundary marking the outer edge of their respective trade areas accrding to Reilly’s Law of Retail Gravitation?

  1. 12.5 miles from city I
  2. 45 miles from city II
  3. 28.3 miles from city II
  4. 18.3 miles from city I

8 / 11

Q.28. Match List-I with List-II

List-I  (Number of settlements of different orders of  Walter Christaller)

(a) 6, 42, 294

(b) 128, 512, 2048

(c) 27, 351, 4563

(d) 1, 3, 9

List-II (K- value)

(i) K = 3

(ii) K = 7

(iii) K = 4

(iv) K = 13

Choose the correct option from below:


9 / 11

Q.29. Who amongst the following propounded the ‘Theory of Intervening Opportunities’?

  1. E.G Ravenstein
  2. G.K.Zipf
  3. D.J Bogue
  4. S. Stouffer

10 / 11

Q.30. Which one of the following is not matched correctly?

  1. M.T. Sadler : Economic Theories of Population Growth
  2. W.C. Plowden : Census of India
  3. F.W. Notestein : Demographic Transition
  4. E.G. Ravenstein : Laws of Migration

11 / 11

Q.31. As per Edward Ullman’s mode of transport system, which one of the following describes complementarity?


  1. Demand and supply of a product between regions
  2. Cost of movement of a product between regions
  3. Availability of a product in a region
  4. Non-availability of a product in a region

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The average score is 66%



Click Here to Download the PDF OF Theories & Models 100 PYQS Mock Test 2


Theories and Models in Geography

Part 1- Geomorphology –  Uniformitarianism, Isostasy, Continental Drift Theory, Cavern Formation Theory

Part 2- Climatology – Rainfall Formation Theories, Climatic Classification of Koeppen’s & Thronthwaite’s

Part 2- Oceanography – Theories of Coral Formation, Theories of Origin of Tides

Part 3- Agricultural Geography- Von Thunen’s Model of Land Use, Whittlesey Classification

Part 3- Economic Geography-  Industrial Location Theory by Alfred Weber

Part 3- Regional Planning & Development – Economic Growth Model of Rostow, Gunnar Myrdal, O Hirschman, John Friedman, Francois Perroux, Planning Process of MacKaye, Planning Regions of V. Nath, Bhat & Rao, Sen Gupta & Chandrasekhara

Part 4- Population Geography – Population Resource Regions – Ackerman, Theories of Population Growth- Malthusian Theory of Population, Demographic Transition Theory, Theory of Migration- Ravenstein’s Laws, Zelinsky, Push & Pull Theory

Part 5- Settlement and Urban Geography-  CENTRAL PLACE THEORY, Economic Location Theory of August Losch, Theories of Urban Urban Morphology- E.W. Burgess, Homer Hoyt, C.D Harris & E.L Ullman

Part 6- Political Geography- Heartland Theory, Rimland Theory

Part 6- Geographical Thought- Philosophical Approaches – Positivism, Pragmatism, Idealism, Realism, New or Critical Realism, Phenomenology, Radicalism, Behaviouralism, Welfare Approach

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