Free Geography Mock Test For NTA UGC NET & SET Exams, NTA UGC NET Geography Mock Test, Model Test for Geography Paper, Practice Test for NTA UGC NET Geography Paper 2, Geography Free Mock Test By Netset Corner, 


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1 / 100

Q.1. For the lower atmosphere, the main source of heat is

(A) Space and Cosmic rays

(B) Insolation

(C) Absorption of uv radiation by Ozone

(D) Terrestial Radiation

2 / 100

Q.2. The States of Kashmir and Uttarakhand are most prone to earthquakes. What are the factor/factors responsible for it?

  1. The Himalayas have not yet attained an isostatic equilibrium
  2. Himalayas are tremendously huge landmass having great height
  3. Himalayas are seismically stable landmass

(A) Only (i)

(B) (ii) and (iii)

(C) Only (iii)

(D) All three (i), (ii) and (iii)

3 / 100

Q.3. Where is the Trans-Himalayas situated?

(A) South of the Great Himalayas

(B) North of the Great Himalayas

(C) South of the Shiwalik Range

(D) North of the Lesser Himalayas

4 / 100

Q.4. Which one of the following rivers is not the tributary of Krishna River?

(A) Koyna

(B) Tungabhadra

(C) Bhima

(D) Indravati

5 / 100

Q.5. Isodapane refers to line connecting to

(A) Equal transport cost

(B) Equal height

(C) Equal size of population

(D) Equal spots of temperature

6 / 100

Q.6. Carribean Sea and Gulf of Mexico are adjacent to which of the following oceans?

(A) Pacific

(B) Atlantic

(C) Indian

(D) Arctic

7 / 100

Q.7. Who used the term of commuter's zone in the model of urban land use?

(A) Burgers

(B) Harris and Ullman

(C) Homer and Hoyet

(D) Christaller

8 / 100

Q.8. Counter urbanization is

(A) To move from urban core to suburban areas

(B) Due to expanding suburban

(C) Increased migration to small areas and small towns

(D) To move elderly retiring to small locations

9 / 100

Q.9. One of the earliest work on the Geographical study of election was made by

(A) P.J. Taylor

(B) H. Spencer

(C) O.H.K. Spate

(D) A. Siegfried

10 / 100

Q.10. One-third land of which of the following countries has been reclaimed from the sea

(A) France

(B) Britain

(C) The Netherlands

(D) Norway

11 / 100

Q.11. Natality refers to

(A) Natality is the ability of a population to increase by reproduction

(B) Quantities of deaths of the individuals in the population

(C) Periodic departure and return of individuals

(D) Is the maximum density that the resources in a particular habital can support

12 / 100

Q.12. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Network Society - Manual Kestal

(B) Information    - David Harvey Society

(C) Cultural Capitals - Lyuck Dickens

(D) Post Industrial -        Liwingstan  Society

13 / 100

Q.13. Which of the following group of the tribes and the habitats is correctly matched?

(A) Savana Region - Bushman

(B) Congo Basin - Pygmis

(C) Central Asia   - Masai

(D) East Asia        - Laps

14 / 100

Q.14. Advances in electrical and heavy engineering industry exploitation of steel alloys and heavy chemicals is associated with which phase of Industrial Revolution?

(A) First phase which took place between 1780's and 1830's

(B) Second phase which occurred between 1840's and 1880's

(C) Third phase which began in the last decades of 19'h century and upto I World War

(D) Fourth phase which began in 20th century and after World War II

15 / 100

Q.15. Greeks were the pioneers in many branches of knowledge and their period was known as 'Golden Age'. State which of the statement are true?

  1. They borrowed many concepts of astronomy, geometry and mathematics from Egyptians, Chaldaeans and Assyirians.
  2. The great diversity in the topography and physical features.
  3. They possessed philosophical and scientific aptitude and versality of intellect.

(A) i and ii

(B) ii and iii

(C) i and iii

(D) All these

16 / 100

Q.16. As per census of India 2011, the total number of metropolitan (million plus) cities in India is reported

(A) 35

(B) 45

(C) 53

(D) 70

17 / 100

Q.17. Which Index expressed by the relationship between the number of links over the number of nodes in relation to transport network?

(A) Pi

(B) Beta

(C) Detour

(D) Alpha

18 / 100

Q.18. The value of Detour Index in transport network varies between

(A) Below 50

(B) 50 to 70

(C) 70 to 100

(D) Above 100

19 / 100

Q.19. Which of the following is the correct sequence regarding the development of Geography?

(A) Greeks-Romans-Arabs-Dark Age

(B) Romans-Arabs-G reeks-Dark Age

(C) Dark Age-Greeks-Romans-Arabs

(D) Greeks-Romans-Dark Age-Arabs

20 / 100

Q.20. The term demography was first used by

(A) Achille Guillard

(B) R.I. Woods

(C) H.R. Jones

(D) Vidal de La Blache

21 / 100

Q.21. Which one is well recognized areas of the megalopolis in the world?

(A) North eastern Japan

(B) South eastern India

(C) North eastern seaboard of U.S.A.

(D) Eastern seaboard of Australia

22 / 100

Q.22. Who of the following promoted the idea of optimum population with respect to the population size and production of wealth?

(A) G.S. Becker

(B) W.S. Thompson

(C) C.P. Blacker

(D) Edwin Cannan

23 / 100

Q.23. Which one is related to market principles in central place theory?

(A) K = 7

(B) K = 3

(C) K = 4

(D) = K

24 / 100

Q.24. A layer of seawater mass between the depths of 300 m — 1000 m where there is sharp change of density in the vertical section of seawater is called

(A) Pycnocline

(B) Halocline

(C) Thermocline

(D) Tidal bulge

25 / 100

Q.25. Photic zone of ocean refers to

(A) The upper 200 m deep water

(B) The upper 1000 m deep water

(C) The upper 2000 m deep water

(D) The upper 3000 m deep water

26 / 100

Q.26. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

  1. Podsol soil is found in the coniferous biome.
  2. Podsol soil is acidic in nature.
  3. Podsol soil is found in cold humid climate.


(A) 1 and 2 are correct

(B) 2 and 3 are correct

(C) 1 and 3 are correct

(D) 1, 2 and 3 are correct

27 / 100

Q.27. Plate movement appears to be casually due to which of the following forces

  1. The outward push of new sea bed form by spreading centres.
  2. The downward pull of a descending plates dense leading edge.

(A) Only (i)

(B) Only (ii)

(C) Both (i) and (ii)

(D) None of the two

28 / 100

Q.28. Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

(A) Role of value of location in determining the political destiny of the world

(B) Inner crescent and marginal crescent possessed less strategic significance

(C) Those who controlled the sea would emerge as the owner of the greater resources

(D) One should proceed from the peripheries to gain control over the centre

29 / 100

Q.29. Pir Panjal range in the Himalayas is a part of

(A) Shiwalik

(B) Central Himalaya

(C) Trans Himalaya

(D) Lesser Himalaya

30 / 100

Q.30. A sand or gravel bar that connects an Island with another Island or the mainland is called

(A) Tombolo

(B) Seep

(C) Rip-rap

(D) Sea arc

31 / 100

Q.31. The concept of Airmass was developed by two eminent meteorologists. Choose the correct answer from the list given below.

(A) V. Bjerknes and Jacob Bjerknes

(B) Trewartha and William L. Donn

(C) Albert Detant and Freeman

(D) Koppan and J. Bjerknes

32 / 100

Q.32. Development of rail-roads demand for better quality, refrigeration an modern packing plants help in the development of which of the following Industries?

  1. Meat
  2. Diary products
  3. Apparel
  4. Beverages

(A) Only 1 is correct

(B) Only 2 is correct

(C) 1 and 2 both are correct

(D) Only 4 is correct

33 / 100

Q.33. Which one is the pattern of rural settlement?

(A) Scattered

(B) Compact

(C) Semi-compact

(D) Linear

34 / 100

Q.34. In Numbers 6, 4, 8, 2, 12, 10, 15, the value of median will be

(A) 10

(B) 12

(C) 8

(D) 2

35 / 100

Q.35. Which one of the following is correct descending order (% composition) of permanent gases of atmosphere?

(A) CO2, Argon, Neon, Helium

(B) CO2, Argon, Helium, Neon

(C) Argon, CO„ Neon, Helium

(D) Argon, Helium, Neon, CO2

36 / 100

Q.36. Which of electrol system is applicable in India ?

(A) Proportional representation

(B) Mixed method

(C) Unique system

(D) Majoritarian system

37 / 100

Q.37. The famous book ‘Geography of Town’ was written by

(A) R.E. Murphy

(B) A.E. Smailes

(C) D. Whittlesey

(D) Philbrick

38 / 100

Q.38. Match List — I with List — II and choose the correct answer from the codes given         

List – I (Book)              

  1. German geography
  2. Perimeter theory
  3. Functional Approach
  4. Biological theory of the state

List – II (Author)

  1. Ratzel
  2. Heartshorn
  3. Spikeman
  4. Houseophores


             a     b        c        d

 (A)   iv       ii        i         iii

(B)     ii        i         iii       iv

(C)     iv       iii       ii        i

(D)    iii       ii        iv       i

39 / 100

Q.39. Which of the following is not a primary air pollutant?

(A) Sulphur dioxide

(B) Mercury

(C) Carbon monoxide

(D) Sulphur trioxide

40 / 100

Q.40. Match List — I with List — II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

List - I       


  1. A Hundred Years of Geography
  2. Geography in the Twentieth Century
  3. Man and Nature
  4. Influence of Geographic Environment

List - II


  1. Griffith Taylor
  2. T.W. Freeman
  3. E.C. Semple
  4. G.P. Marsh


             (a)        (b)       (c)        (d)

(A)       4          2          1          3

(B)       2          1          4          3

(C)       4          3          1          2

(D)       2          1          3          4

41 / 100

Q.41. Match List — I with List — II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

List - I       


  1. Periphus
  2. The Guide to Geography
  3. The Historical Memoir
  4. The Ecumene

List - II


  1. Eratosthenes
  2. Ptolemy
  3. Hecateaus
  4. Strabo


             (a)        (b)       (c)        (d)

(A)       4          2          1          3

(B)       2          1          3          4

(C)       4          3          1          2

(D)       3          2          4          1

42 / 100

Q.42.   Match List — I with List — II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

 List - I (Propounded)

  1. J.T. Hack
  2. L.C. King
  3. Walter Penck
  4. W.M. Davis

List - II (Theory/Model)

  1. Slope Replacement
  2. Cycle of erosion
  3. Cycle of Pediplane
  4. Dynamic equilibrium


            1          2          3          4

(A)       iv         ii          i           iii

(B)       ii          i           iii         iv

(C)       iv         iii         i           ii

(D)       iii         iv         i           ii

43 / 100

Q.43.   The R.F. of a Map is 1 : 63360. What would be the correct statement scale?

(A) 1 cm = 1 km

(B) 1″ = 1 mile

(C) 1″ = 1 furlong

(D) 1 cm = 100 ″

44 / 100

Q.44. Who is the founder of Possibilism?

(A) G. Carter

(B) L. Febvre

(C) W. Bunge

(D) E.C. Semple

45 / 100

Q.45. The development of large scale fracture in igneous rocks which are roughly concentric with the surface topography is a result of

(A)    Increase with the increase in temperature

(B)     Decrease with increase in temperature

(C)     Remain constant at all temperature fluctuations

(D)    Fluctuate at various temperature

46 / 100

Q.46. Which one of the following values of correlation coefficient (r) is not correctly match with degree of relationship?

Values Relationship
(A)    + 0.90High
(B)     + 0.50Medium
(C)     -  0.01Low
(D)    + 1.50Very high

47 / 100

Q.47. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List – I

  1. Jelep La
  2. Diphu
  3. Debsa
  4. Mangsha Dhara

List - II      

  1. Sikkim
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. Uttarakhand


             (a)        (b)       (c)        (d)

(A)       1          2          3          4

(B)       2          1          3          4

(C)       3          2          4          1

(D)       4          3          2          1

48 / 100

Q.48. A cluster and regular pattern of numerous drum lins in an area is called as  

(A) Basket of egg topography

(B) Braded Eskers

(C) Kames

(D) Karren

49 / 100

Q.49. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer from the codes given          below:

List - I (Name of the Glacier)

  1. Siachen
  2. Biafo
  3. Pasu
  4. Mohil Yaz

List – II (Location)

  1. Shimshal valley
  2. Hunza
  3. Bradloh valley
  4. Nubra valley


            1          2          3          4

(A)       i           ii          iii         iv

(B)       ii          i           iii         iv

(C)       iii         ii          iv         i

(D)       iv        iii          ii          i

50 / 100

Q.50. J.P. Clark and F.C. Evance are associated with

(A) Nearest Neighbour Method

(B) Concept of Hierarchy

(C) Concept of Rimland

(D) Concept of Geo-Politics

51 / 100

Q.51. ‘Spatial Interaction theory’ was given by

(A) T. Haggerstrand

(B) T.L. Smith

(C) H.J. Fleure

(D) A.G. Tansely

52 / 100

Q.52. Harmattan is strong easterly winds which are experienced in

(A) East Africa

(B) West Australia

(C) North America

(D) West Africa

53 / 100

Q.53. The highly destructive and explosive volcano is

(A) Visuvius type

(B) Strombolian type

(C) Pelean type

(D) Hawaiian type

54 / 100

Q.54. Indian census currently follows extended de facto approach under this method an enumeration period of is fixed.

(A) 2-3 weeks

(B) 15-30 days

(C) 1 to 2 months

(D) 3 to 6 months

55 / 100

Q.55. Match List — I with List — II and select the     correct answer using the codes given below:

List – I


  1. Boulder
  2. Cobble
  3. Pebble
  4. Granule

List - II

(Diameter) (mm)

  1. 64
  2. 256
  3. 2
  4. 4


             (a)        (b)       (c)        (d)

(A)       2          1          4          3

(B)       3          4          1          2

(C)       4          3          2          1

(D)       1          2          3          4

56 / 100

Q.56. Match List — I with List — II and choose the correct answer using the codes given below:

List - I       

(Atmospheric layer)     

  1. Troposphere
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Ionosphere
  4. Mesosphere

 List - II

(Special feature)

  1. Mother of pearls
  2. Normal lapse rate
  3. Aurora Borealis
  4. Rise in Temperature


             (a)        (b)       (c)        (d)

(A)       4          2          1          3

(B)       3          4          1          2

(C)       2          1          3          4

(D)       1          3          4          2

57 / 100

Q.57. Who introduced model of Polarisation and Trickle Down Effects?

(A) J.R. Friedman

(B) F. Parroux

(C) Gunder Frank

(D) A.O. Hirshman

58 / 100

Q.58. The following pairs are given about the contribution of geographer's in Agricultural geography and find out which is not correct?

(A) Von. Thunen — land use planning

(B) Weaver         — crop combination

(C) Doi               — crop diversification

(D) Reffiullah      — agricultural productivity

59 / 100

Q.59. Which one is the major cause of energy crisis?

(A) Automobiles

(B) Domestic Consumptions

(C) Traditional Lighting

(D) Electricity Consumption

60 / 100

Q.60. The deltas of Narmada and Tapi rivers of India are the example of

(A) Estuarine delta

(B) Arcuate delta

(C) Truncated delta

(D) Blocked delta

61 / 100

Q.61. Under normal circumstances, different parts of the earth's crust remain in isostatic equilibrium. This disequilibrium causes earthquakes which generally affects

(A) young folded mountains

(B) deep sea plain

(C) continental shelves

(D) lava plateau

62 / 100

Q.62. Rajmahal Hills from the North-eastern edge of the

(A) Chhotanagpur Plateau

(B) Ranchi Plateau

(C) Hazaribag Plateau

(D) Malva Plateau

63 / 100

Q.63. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

List — I     


  1. Energy Pyramid
  2. Ecological Niche
  3. Eco-development
  4. Ethology

List - II


  1. Isodore Geoffroy st. Hilairs
  2. R. Ridell
  3. J. Grinel
  4. Charls Elton


             (a)        (b)       (c)        (d)

(A)       1          2          3          4

(B)       2          1          3          4

(C)       4          3          2          1

(D)       3          2          4          1

64 / 100

Q.64. Photic zone of ocean refers

(A) The upper 200 m deep water zone

(B) The upper 1000 m deep water zone

(C) The upper 2000 m deep water zone

(D) The upper 3000 m deep water zone

65 / 100

Q.65. A group of people who occupy a particular area and have a strong sense of unity based on a set of shared belief is a

(A) Centripetal force

(B) Nation

(C) Self determination

(D) Unitary State

66 / 100

Q.66. Who introduced theory of Profit Maximization?

(A) A. Weber

(B) D.M. Smith

(C) August Losch

(D) A. Pred

67 / 100

Q.67. The Disaster Management Bill was passed by the Parliament in

(A) 2002

(B) 2005

(C) 2009

(D) 2013

68 / 100

Q.68. The term ‘biodiversity hotspots’ was first coined and used by

(A) G.F. Peterson

(B) P.W. Richards

(C) M. Nicholson

(D) Norman Myers

69 / 100

Q.69. The pioneering work ‘The Major Natural Region’-An Essay in Systematic Geography’ was published by

(A) E. Jones

(B) A.J. Herbertson

(C) D. Massey

(D) G.P. Marsh

70 / 100

70. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List - I       


  1. Sodium chloride
  2. Magnesium chloride
  3. Magnesium sulphate
  4. Calcium sulphate

List - II


  1. 3.6
  2. 4.7
  3. 10.9
  4. 77.8


          a        b        c        d

(A)    4        3        2        1

(B)     1        2        3        4

(C)     1        3        4        2

(D)    1        3        2        4

71 / 100

Q.71. An extensive depression in limestone areas larger than dolines are called

(A) Lappies

(B) Cock pits

(C) Uvala

(D) Sink holes

72 / 100

Q.72. Ganga - Cauvery link canal aims at reducing the impact of floods in the Ganga basin. It passes through

(A) Kosi — Mahanadi — Godawari — Krishna — Cauvery

(B) Son — Narmada — Tapi — Godawari — Krishna — Pennar

(C) Sutlej — Chambal — Betwa — Mahanadi

(D) Indus — Jhelum — Chenab — Ravi — Sutlej — Yamuna

73 / 100

Q.73. A process of filling each pixel of a newly transformed image with a value or a derived value from the original image is called

(A) Resampling

(B) Image to map transformation

(C) Geometric transformation of image

(D) Vectorizalion

74 / 100

Q.74. J.R. Friedman introduced model of

(A) Centro periphery

(B) Growth Poles

(C) Polarisation

(D) Metropolis

75 / 100

Q.75. Waterways is the major means of internal transport in which of the following country?   

(A) Bangladesh

(B) India

(C) Pakistan

(D) SriLanka

76 / 100

Q.76. Gunnar Mydral's model is based on

(A) Centro periphery

(B) Growth poles

(C) Circular and cumulative causation

(D) Polarization and trickle down

77 / 100

Q.77. A frontier, in contrast to a boundary

(A) separate two States

(B) is an area rather a line

(C) has become a more common means to separate State

(D) all of the above

78 / 100

Q.78. Agricultural productivity is measured by

(A)    agricultural production and consumption

(B)     agricultural production

(C)     the ratio of agricultural outputs and inputs

(D)    agricultural expenditure for seeds

79 / 100

Q.79. Match List — I with List — II and choose the correct answer using codes given below:

List - I       

  1. Solid
  2. Gaseous
  3. Liquid
  4. Biological

List - II

  1. Eutrophication
  2. Insecticides
  3. Lead
  4. Chlorofluoro carbon


          a        b        c        d

(A)    2        1        3        4

(B)     4        3        1        2

(C)     3        4        2        1

(D)    4        3        2        1

80 / 100

Q.80. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List - I       


  1. Phosphorous
  2. Carbon
  3. Oxygen
  4. Nitrogen

List - II


  1. Sedimentary rocks
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Artificial fixation
  4. Autotrophic plants


          a        b        c        d

(A)    1        4        2        3

(B)     2        3        4        1

(C)     4        1        3        2

(D)    3        2        4        1

81 / 100

Q.81. The value of Detour index in transport network varies between

(A) Below 100

(B) 50  to 100

(C) 70 to 100

(D) Above 200

82 / 100

Q.82. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer using codes given below:

List – I (Wavelength)

  1. < 0.03 m
  2. 0.4 — 0.7 m
  3. 0.7 — 3.0 km
  4. 3.0 — 5.0 km


List – II (Characteristics)

  1. Remote sensing is possible through vedicons system but not by film
  2. Reflected radiation affects thermal characteristics
  3. It is visible to eyes and it is suitable for remote sensing
  4. It is not available for remote sensing


          a        b        c        d

(A)    1        3        4        2

(B)     3        4        2        1

(C)     4        3        2        1

(D)    1        2        4        3

83 / 100

Q.83. Deserts, fertile plains and thickly forested mountains are a characteristic feature of the following parts of India.

(A) North-Eastern frontier

(B) Coromondel Coast

(C) Western border adjoing Pakistan

(D) South — Western border along Arabian Sea

84 / 100

Q.84. The rate of growth of organic matter per unit time and per unit area which is expressed in dry gram/m²/day or year is called

(A) Ecological productivity

(B) Primary productivity

(C) Secondary productivity

(D) Gross primary productivity

85 / 100

Q.85. A raster data operation that divides a continuous raster into equal interval or equal area classes are called

(A) Slicing

(B) Masking

(C) Zonal operation

(D) Local operation

86 / 100

Q.86. A data model that uses rows, columns and cells to construct spatial features is called

(A) Raster data model

(B) Relational data model

(C) Vectorization model

(D) None of the above

87 / 100

Q.87. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer using codes given below:

List - I


  1. Baffin
  2. Luzon
  3. Greenland
  4. Medagascar

List - II


  1. Arctic ocean
  2. Pacific ocean
  3. Atlantic ocean
  4. Indian ocean


          a        b        c        d

(A)    1        2        3        4

(B)     1        2        4        3

(C)     2        3        4        1

(D)    4        3        2        1

88 / 100

Q.88. The Cocos — ridge is situated in the

(A) Indian ocean

(B) Atlantic ocean

(C) Pacific ocean

(D) Arctic ocean

89 / 100

Q.89. lncreased desire for material possessions and less desire for large families is the impact and consequences of which stage of Demographic transition model?

(A) Stage 1

(B) Stage 2

(C) Stage 3

(D) Stage 4

90 / 100

Q.90. Match List — I with List — Il and select the     correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

Li st — I (National Parks)     

  1. Indravati
  2. Nameri
  3. Kalesar
  4. Mollem

List — Il (Location)

  1. Goa
  2. Haryana
  3. Assam
  4. Chhattisgarh


          a        b        c        d

(A)    2        3        4        1

(B)     4        3        2        1

(C)     1        2        3        4

(D)    3        2        4        1

91 / 100

Q.91. Which one of the following statement is not correct?

(A)    Hartshorne propounded the concepts of areal differentiation

(B)     The book ‘Nature of Geography’ was published in 1939

(C)     Chronology word is using for areal differentiation

(D)    The use of nomothetic approach is in areal differentiation

92 / 100

Q.92. Which is not a correct match?

       Irrigation canal      State

(A)    Ukai              —     Gujarat

(B)     Ghataprabha  —     Karnataka

(C)     Betwa             —     Jharkhand

(D)    Ven Ganga    —     Madhya Pradesh and Maharastra

93 / 100

Q.93. GPS is based on a principle called 

(A) Arbitration

(B) Trilateration

(C) Orbiteration

(D) Globalization

94 / 100

Q.94. An isogloss is      

(A) A form of a language spoken in a local area

(B) A collection of unique words

(C) A boundary between language regions

(D) The transition zone between cultures

95 / 100

Q.95. Match List — I with List — II and select the correct answer from the code given below the lists:

List — I     

(Thermal Power Station)

  1. Karadi
  2. Namrup
  3. Hardua Gunj
  4. Ramagundam

List — II


  1. Telangana
  2. Uttar Pradesh
  3. Assam
  4. Maharashtra


          a        b        c        d

(A)    1        2        3        4

(B)     2        1        3        4

(C)     3        4        1        2

(D)    4        3        2        1

96 / 100

Q.96. Which one of the schools of thought first developed positivism?

(A) German School of Thought

(B) Russian School of Thought

(C) French School of Thought

(D) British School of Thought

97 / 100

Q.97. Market based economy means

(A) All economic decisions are taken based on the demand and supply

(B) Some economic decisions are taken by government and other are left to market forces

(C) Government has full control over private sector

(D) Economic decisions are taken after keeping in view of the social welfare

98 / 100

Q.98. Match List— I with List—II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List - I       

  1. Number of villages is equal to number of hamlets
  2. Number of villages is equal to more than half of the hamlet number
  3. Number of villages is less than half of the number of hamlets
  4. Number of village is equal to half of hamlet number

 List - II

  1. Hamlet settlements
  2. Dispersal settlements
  3. Compact settlements
  4. Semi compact settlements


          a        b        c        d

(A)    1        3        2        4

(B)     2        1        4        3

(C)     4        1        3        2

(D)    3        4        2        1

99 / 100

Q.99. What causes adiabatic change of temperature?

(A) Change in temperature of air

(B) Contraction or expansion of air

(C) Fast radiation

(D) Strong winds

100 / 100

Q.100. Displacement of both the plates in opposite directions due to fracture is known as

(A) Normal fault

(B) Reverse fault

(C) Step fault

(D) Strike slip fault

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1. Geography Model Mock Test 1 (30)

2. Geography Model Mock Test 2 (30)

3. Geography Model Mock Test 3 (30)

4. Geography Model Mock Test 4 (30)

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